Monday, April 15, 2019

Thanksgiving and a little Homesick!



So Happy Thanksgiving!! We had a great Thanksgiving with the Thomson Family they are great and we had a lot of yummy food :) I got a little homesick that night and cried for a bit before falling asleep. I'm not sure why I got homesick, probably just remembering being with family this same time last year. I'm SO glad I only have to endure one holiday season on my mission, It's really difficult. 

On Wednesday we visited Sister Norris and she has a 2 year old named Olivia and Olivia has this baby doll that is scary real, i will attach a picture, but it looks like a real baby so Sister Smith and I just had to hold it :) 

On Friday we had dinner with the Brody Family and they are awesome, they have a fifteen year old daughter named Bronwyn who reminds me a lot of Miranda, in the fact that she doesn't really like physical touch especially hugs of any kind. So as a punishment they would set an amount of time that she would have to hug them. And if she didn't do as she was told the first time they would continue to add time until it got to a family group hug :) I suggest doing that with Miranda, see what happens :) 

So we had exchanges this week, which is where two companionships exchange companions for the day. It's super fun and we get to know other sisters in the Zone. 

YUP... I think that's it :) 

Lots of Love, 
Sister Sanofsky

1. Picture I drew for Olivia, It's her and Anna and Elsa :) 
3. It's fake!! 

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