Monday, April 15, 2019

Ward Christmas Party!


Hey Mom!!

So...I'm STAYING in Bear Creek with...SISTER SMITH!!!!! Three transfers in a row!!! CRAZY!!! 

The Concert was great, it was the Lakewood Symphony Orchestra, the Colorado Mormon Chorale and the Rocky Mountain Bell Rings. They all did a very good job and there was a church there, St. Rafka, and all the proceeds and donations went to them to help their mission of hope in the middle east. helping Christian refugees in the middle east that have lost their homes or loved ones. It's pretty cool. The music was amazing and it really makes me want to be in choir again :( 

We had a Mission Tour with Elder Grow, of the Seventy, this past Friday and it was super cool, he is very spiritual (obviously) but also very funny :) we were giving new instruction on how to plan and set goals. So before when we would set goals for the week we would always put a one for those who are being baptized and confirmed in the coming week. But this training from Elder Grow actually says that if we don't have a baptism we should put ZERO, and in turn plan that particular goal for the entire transfer. So long story short Sister Smith and I both prayed and when we were finished we both said at the same time that we would have 2 baptisms in week 5!! WOW!! It was super cool and so now we are trying to find those people are suppose to be baptized in the next couple of weeks! It definitely helps with motivation, because now you know when it is going to happen and you know that people are definitely prepared, you just have to find them. 

Ward Christmas Party. SO we were elves (see attached pictures) and it was super fun! SO story time. There was this homeless guy named Randy, who was living in his car and was in the parking lot when people started to show up. A member of our ward Bro. Jones walks over to him and invites him to join us and have a warm meal. He agrees and joins us for the party. At the end he is given leftovers and President Carter (1st counselor in stake presidency) ends up talking with him about a picture in the hall way. It's the one of Joseph Smith and the First Vision. And we join in on the conversation and end up giving Randy a Book of Mormon and our number. we were talking and he expressed that he was very impressed and it reminds him of how he needs to treat others. It was super cool!! 

That was pretty much our week, nothing too exciting ;) 


Lots of LOVE, 
Sister Sanofsky :) 

P.S. Did Cole, Randi, and Tyler get my letters?

Happy companions and new hair color for Maddie

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